At the General and Cardiovascular Clinic, ENT surgery (oto-rhino-laryngology) focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and conditions affecting the ears, nose, throat, as well as the head and neck. Our ENT surgeons specialize in a variety of interventions, such as sinus surgery, correction of nasal septum deviations, treatment of tonsils and adenoids, and surgery for benign or malignant tumors in the ENT region. We use modern techniques, including endoscopic surgery, to provide precise care while minimizing discomfort and recovery times. Our multidisciplinary approach ensures comprehensive and personalized care for each patient, aiming to improve quality of life through lasting and aesthetically satisfying results.
Otology focuses on conditions of the ear, including hearing disorders, chronic ear infections, and inner ear diseases such as Meniere’s disease. At the Cardio-CGCT clinic, we offer treatments such as tympanoplasty to repair the eardrum and stapedectomy to correct hearing loss due to otosclerosis. Our interventions aim to restore hearing and effectively treat ear conditions.
Rhinology addresses diseases of the nose and sinuses, including chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps, and deviations of the nasal septum. We use advanced endoscopic sinus surgery techniques (FESS) to treat these conditions, improving breathing and reducing symptoms such as nasal congestion and recurrent infections.
Pediatric ENT specializes in diagnosing and treating ENT diseases in children, such as recurrent ear infections, tonsillitis, and respiratory problems like sleep apnea. We offer child-appropriate interventions, such as adenoidectomy and tympanostomy tube placement, focusing on the comfort and safety of our young patients.
This specialty focuses on conditions affecting the neck and face, including swollen lymph nodes, cervical masses, and congenital anomalies. We perform surgical interventions to remove cysts and benign tumors and to correct deformities, with special care to preserve both function and aesthetics.
We treat diseases of the vocal cords, such as nodules, polyps, and vocal cord paralysis, which can affect voice and swallowing. Laryngeal microsurgery techniques are used to restore vocal function and effectively and precisely treat abnormalities.
Management of cancers of the upper airways, such as those of the throat, larynx, and nose, is an integral part of our care offerings. Our specialists in ENT surgery collaborate with oncologists to perform surgical interventions aimed at removing tumors and treating malignant conditions, while preserving function and appearance as much as possible.
We offer surgical solutions to treat snoring and sleep apnea, including uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) and other techniques aimed at widening the airways. These interventions are designed to improve sleep quality and reduce the risks of complications associated with apnea.
Surgery for tumors in ENT aims to remove benign or malignant tumors from the head, neck, and upper airways. We utilize advanced surgical techniques, including robotic surgery and endoscopic surgery, to ensure optimal results while minimizing scarring and damage to surrounding tissues.
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